Why dont we have excellent space technology?

Why dont we invent the technology when we have the technology? We have all these video games and movies that allow us to show and play with technology beyond our own, so why dont we stop showing and playing and INVENT this stuff. For it to be in games and movies someone had to come up with the idea, thus a theory is born. Prime examples would be the movie Alien, the game Mass Effect, Star Wars, the game Star Ocean, and countless other franchises and movies. A more detailed answer would be the denzel washington movie DeJa Vu. In that movie they had an excellent interpretation of an invention that allows us to see into the past, interact with the past, as well as go back to the past (time travel). There is the theory and information you need on to build that thing so why dont we do it. We have cyborgs in fiction but we dont have them in reality. We should have been had cyborgs in reality along with other stuff. We got prosethics, but we dont have cybornectic limbs yet. Thats stupid. That technology would greatly help mankind as well as the military. So why dont we have a huge space station that can travel at lightspeeds and get to other planets and galaxies in minutes like in movies. We have the freakin technology, we already got two pieces in space now on the space station, but whats taking so long. Why dont we have a jump system in space that allows ships to travel at light speeds from one solar system to the next? Why dont we have space suits that like like swim gear and a helmet instead of that huge thing with the big a** ridiculous helmet. We been using that suit since the first space walk. There is another part to this question also but answer this one for now please.
I understand that all this is imaginary and fiction. Im just saying that this stuff can be real. Everything in life started out as just an idea or fiction and became real. So why not this. Everythng in the movies and games has great theorie’s, so why dont we put these theories into effect.


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