What is the potential for Alternative Energy in Malaysia? (biomass/fuel, solar, nuclear, wind, water)?

Malaysia is currently dependent to petroleum as the main source for electrical generation and fuel, but the oil reserve will only last for 50 years, or so. Why there are low exploitation by the industry and government for alternative energy to switch from the fossil fuel dependency? Although there are interest to go for bio-fuel, since Malaysia is the biggest palm oil producer, but why is the current standing of bio-fuel development and directive for its implementation remains unclear? Why was Malaysia so eager to go for nuclear power while it has only little (or no?) nuclear fuel resource? The obvious energy source for this equatorial country is solar power, but why is this energy potential is not fully utilised? Is there any natural barriers that prevent Malaysia from doing so? Or is it because of socio-economic interest? Will Malaysia go for appropriate alternative energy technology in the future? Is the current hydro-electrical generation is appropriate and enough?


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