HOW WOULD YOU IMPROVE energy diversity in the U.S. or the country you live in?

you are the CEO of one of the world’s largest energy companies, providing its customers with fuel for transportation, energy for heat and light, retail services and petrochemicals products for everyday usage… every other company has failed at providing a… Continue Reading

WOW has anyone else read this piece on a new green technology that could literally power the entire planet?

This sounds AMAZING, after reading it do you think this is a real possibility and how many jobs world wide could it create? Since the U.S. Government funded the initial research wouldn’t it strengthen the country economically and as well… Continue Reading

is this a good economical and environmental plan for an island?

I believe that i came up with the solution to help all small nations and islands especially the Caribbean. technology has advance tremendously and they are new ideas and inventions that could eliminate pollution and hunger in many nation. Advancement… Continue Reading

Petrochemical Technology Questions (the top 10)?

1 Answer: The process of separating petroleum into its fractions is called a. boiling. b. condensation. c. sublimation d. refining. 2 Answer: An example of a synthetic polymer is a. an amino acid. b. cotton. c. nylon. d. wool 3… Continue Reading

Should we be concerned the USA only has 4 of the world's top 30 companies in wind, solar, and battery tech?

Of the world’s top 10 wind energy technology companies, only one is American (GE). Of the top 10 solar companies, even though solar photovoltaic technology was developed in the USA, again we only have 1 top company in the USA.… Continue Reading

Why don't we spend more money on wind or solar power?

Conservative estimates of the spending on the war in iraq total over 500 billion dollars. This would be enough money to supply energy to 60 million homes if spent on solar or wind energy sources. Or, the money could have… Continue Reading

Ocean Wave Energy by Power India Technology Pruthvi Power generation with ocean waves and tides, with combined allied technologies — wind energy, ocean currents and solar energy.

Which candidate has this stance with regards to the environment?

The federal government has proven itself untrustworthy with environmental policy by facilitating polluters, subsidizing logging in the National Forests, and instituting one-size-fits-all approaches that too often discriminate against those they are intended to help. The key to sound environmental policy… Continue Reading