Micro Concentrated Solar Power from Sopogy – a green energy seminar

Google Tech Talks September 18, 2008 ABSTRACT Sopogy is bringing smaller concentrated solar energy systems to the market: Process heat, air conditioning, and power generation. You will hear about the first renewable energy and solar technology to ever be awarded… Continue Reading

Fusion and Solar Nanotechnology (CO2) – The Big Potential for Solar Technology Adopting

Solar Technology and Big Potential: What applies to individuals applies to Corporations and businesses too. Another great potential for Solar technology is the willingness by individuals and home owners to adopt and incorporate this technology for their own use. It’s… Continue Reading

Suniva – Solar Technology

Suniva develops, manufactures and markets its ARTisun series high-efficiency silicon photovoltaic (PV) cells for clean, earth-friendly power generation and is dedicated to driving down the cost per watt of solar generated power. We are developing our products focused on the… Continue Reading

assess the use of Silicon Solar Technology as a means to address social change?

Hey all, I have a Physics assignment due tomorrow and i really need a little help answering this question. 3. Every generation has its “turbulent” period in history. Wars, plagues, slavery and social unrest are just a few examples that… Continue Reading