Should we have listened to Jimmy Carter and tried to lessen our dependence of oil and move toward more?

sustainable energy sources in the 1970’s? Carter started and ethanol program which Reagan promptly stopped after Carter’s defeat. Reagan, to make a statement about which direction we would go, removed the solar panels from the White House roof when elected.… Continue Reading

Is McCain working for the oil companies or the American peoples ?

What if there was a vote to decide if .5 billion in tax breaks for oil companies should go into oil alternatives, like solar and wind? What would you want your Senator to do? Well, as you probably guessed, there… Continue Reading

Is McCain working for the oil companies or the American peoples ?

What if there was a vote to decide if .5 billion in tax breaks for oil companies should go into oil alternatives, like solar and wind? What would you want your Senator to do? Well, as you probably guessed, there… Continue Reading

Zenith turns an Israeli kibbutz solar

ZenithSolar, an Israeli solar technology company, has installed its first innovative new solar farm on a Kibbutz in Israel that will create environmentally friendly energy at low costs. The technology can be used by other communities worldwide as a cost-efficient… Continue Reading

Breakthrough Solar Energy Technology from Israel

The latest star performer in solar cell technology comes from Israel. The developers say their new panels offer an inexpensive way to collect both electric and thermal energy. One year ago professor Feiman showed us his pilot plan for an… Continue Reading

History multiple choice question help please?

1) The backbone of Roman agriculture in the Augustan Age was a. slave labor b. imported foods from the empire c. captured barbarian labor d. small free farmers. 2) Which of the following statements about farm and village life during… Continue Reading