Cant find article from last 2-3 weeks or so, on Yahoo News re: a man that had solar panels who compared cost?

Article spoke of guy who bought large plot of land, had solar panels and a generator, and used fireplace to heat house. story ended by recommending windmill for power generation – why is it so hard to find past Yahoo… Continue Reading

Saving Energy with Solar Power : Using Solar Panels for Water Heaters

Solar power can be used to give you hot water. Learn about saving energy in your home with natural or solar power in this free video. Expert: Peter Bonenberger Contact: Bio: Peter Bonenberger and his wife founded a non-profit… Continue Reading

Due to the 2012 prophecy, many questions are going around regarding what we can do to make our planet healthy.

Although we can’t stop it, we should still take into consideration that there are many reasons for the world ending because of how we have treated our own planet. I recently read up on the General Electric’s website ( and… Continue Reading

Do you think solar power has an undeservedly bad rap?

We see a lot of comments around here about how solar power is too inefficient and expensive, and nuclear power is the only solution to our energy issues. However, there’s already one Silicon Valley start-up producing thin-film solar panels at… Continue Reading

Open Source Tractor, Rototiller, Biodiesel Reactor, Solar Panels

We show the open source tractor, quick attach plate for implements, and open source rototiller. Plus, we show how we set up a biodiesel reactor. We also made more solar panels, and show other fruits of Factor e Farm. More… Continue Reading

I need some help translating something from english to french. ?

im not using an online translator becuase they dont work 100%. if you translate something from english to french, and then the french stuff to english, you get totally different translations. so i need help from someone that speaks french… Continue Reading

A Homemade Solar Panel Can Power Your Home – 100% Workable Guarantee – A Homemade Solar Panel Can Power Your Home – 100% Workable Guarantee Have you ever wondered if you were capable of assembling a homemade solar panel to provide electricity for your home? It’s a great way to save… Continue Reading