The More You Know About Green Energy, The More You Can Share With Others

Green Outlet

If you want to help the environment while saving money on your power bills, you might want to learn about green energy technology. Green energy technology isn’t difficult or complicated to implement. Just do some research to learn what to… Continue Reading

Green Energy Tips That You Can Try Out Today!

Green energy is the future of energy technology. With the world’s population growing at an ever-increasing rate, utilizing green energy is the only way to ensure the planet’s ecological health. This article is filled with a number of great green… Continue Reading

Has Anyone Told Obama You Get Almost Nothing for $150 Billion Spent on Wind & Solar?

That is only about 0 per year for each American household. Wind and solar are so expensive that your family or a community would get very little benefit by investing that little bit of money in windmills or solar technology.… Continue Reading

What is the parameter in Solar power that specifies the amount of time it takes to pay back your investment?

This is an awkward question. So let’s say you buy a solar panel and it costs you 0, and at the current price of electricity (and other factors), it will take x years for the solar panel to SAVE you… Continue Reading