Suniva – Solar Technology

Suniva develops, manufactures and markets its ARTisun series high-efficiency silicon photovoltaic (PV) cells for clean, earth-friendly power generation and is dedicated to driving down the cost per watt of solar generated power. We are developing our products focused on the… Continue Reading

Advanced Solar Power Demo

Advanced Solar Power Demo. 400 Watts @ 12 Volts with 350+ Amp hour battery storage capacity. Multiple Parallel connections ensure long lasting charge and fast recharge. This is a follow up to the original “Solar Power Demo”. If you… Continue Reading

Oregon first to have solar highway

This video shows the Aug. 7, 2008 press conference where Governor Kulongoski announced Oregon is installing the nation’s first solar demonstration project in a highway right of way, moving the state a step further in its role as a leader… Continue Reading

CNN Eco Solutions : Energy : Spain Solar Tower

CNN Eco Solutions 2007-11-12 Concentrated Solar Power Spain’s new solar power tower A new plant uses solar technology, combined with traditional steam turbines, to generate electricity. CNN’s Al Goodman reports. *** – A 92 mile by 92 mile area of… Continue Reading

Next Generation of Cheap Solar Cells

****Since all the comments seem to be either 100% positive or 100% negative about this solar technology i would like to clear up some some misconceptions. First of all I’d imagine that takes years to set up the the precision… Continue Reading

cheap Solar power! technology

The project “Solar Dish Electric Generator” as a semi finallist from Freescale’s Technology Forum 2009. The prototype consist of a 2.00m diameter parabolic dish with a 2 axis sun tracking mechanism. A Stirling Engine was coupled in the focal point… Continue Reading

The Power of Solar Power With BP Solar

State Circle’s Yolanda Vazquez talks with Geoff Slevin of BP Solar about the benefits and possibilities of solar power and the revolutionary work BP performs with solar technology.

Enviro Mission: Solar Tower Technology

Project under construction(?) in Mildura, Australia desert. Tallest man-built structure to date (1Km high) expected to produce 200 Megawatt enough for 1 million people. video (made/ripped/downloaded) by(?) Humberto Luz Mail attachment 20070321133413 Energia solar.wmv

Solar Tower – EnviroMission reduces green house CO2 emission

EnviroMission, Ltd. (; US Stock Market: EVOMY, Australian Stock Exchange: EVM) is a renewable energy developer of sustainable “green” energy solutions for the energy market. EnviroMission aims to be one of Australia’s leading producers of clean renewable energy. EnviroMission holds… Continue Reading