Can Solar Panels Power My Whole House-Including A/Cs?

Hello, I’d really appreciate some input on the subject of solar power panels. I’ve ready a lot and I’ve learned a lot in the recent months by Googl’ing and I realize it’s a big undertaking and in order to generate… Continue Reading

Can Solar Panels Power My Whole House-Including A/Cs?

Hello, I’d really appreciate some input on the subject of solar power panels. I’ve ready a lot and I’ve learned a lot in the recent months by Googl’ing and I realize it’s a big undertaking and in order to generate… Continue Reading

WOW has anyone else read this piece on a new green technology that could literally power the entire planet?

This sounds AMAZING, after reading it do you think this is a real possibility and how many jobs world wide could it create? Since the U.S. Government funded the initial research wouldn’t it strengthen the country economically and as well… Continue Reading

Is residential solar power technology mature enough to purchase?

What is the likelihood that solar panel technology will improve drastically in the near future such that current solar panel technology will be completely obsolete before 10 years time? The reason for my question is as follows: I’m thinking about… Continue Reading