Should we have listened to Jimmy Carter and tried to lessen our dependence of oil and move toward more?

sustainable energy sources in the 1970’s? Carter started and ethanol program which Reagan promptly stopped after Carter’s defeat. Reagan, to make a statement about which direction we would go, removed the solar panels from the White House roof when elected.… Continue Reading


1. The ________works with the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce marine biology regulations along the coast and in the Great Lakes channels. (1 point) Coast Guard Department of the Interior (DOI) Center for Disease Control (CDC) Food and Drug Administration… Continue Reading

DO you know our Futures destiny?, I do!?

2012 a proposed super computer built by Intel and SGI for NASA’s Ames Research Center, will be completed, reaching a peak performance of 10 Petaflops a proposed super computer built by IBM for the National Nuclear Security Administration will be… Continue Reading

Zenith turns an Israeli kibbutz solar

ZenithSolar, an Israeli solar technology company, has installed its first innovative new solar farm on a Kibbutz in Israel that will create environmentally friendly energy at low costs. The technology can be used by other communities worldwide as a cost-efficient… Continue Reading

Why don't we spend more money on wind or solar power?

Conservative estimates of the spending on the war in iraq total over 500 billion dollars. This would be enough money to supply energy to 60 million homes if spent on solar or wind energy sources. Or, the money could have… Continue Reading

Clean Technology

“To use “the Strengths of the Father” to protect “the Gifts of the Mother” would best summarize Sacred Power Corporation’s basic intent and philosophy. It is our belief that the world in which we live can change it’s current direction… Continue Reading

Can we solve or revers global warming by Implementing Anti-gravity Technology?How?

Successfully combating global warming requires a national transition to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and biomass. These technologies are ready to be deployed more widely but there are regulatory barriers impeding them. Take action to break down those… Continue Reading

What do you think is the answer to our alternative energy question?

Is Ethanol the answer? I read that Brazil is using sugar cane for bio-fuel. Be it corn, soybeans, or sugar cane, growing bio-fuels will strongly deplete our soils without using heavy fertilizers.Can we possibly harness wind and solar power for… Continue Reading

Solar Power questions!?

I just have a few, please give me an answer not just a website or copy from a site(definitely not wikipedia) -Can anyone explain what active and passive solar energy is -Is it true that solar panels create pollution, if… Continue Reading