Shouldn't the 0 administration's committment to renewable energy be questioned?

Only 80 billion(roughly 10% of the "Stimulus" bill) was spent on renewable energy. Nothing is being done to develop said technologies. More of the bill was spent on pork and earmarks than was spent on infrastructure and energy, two of… Continue Reading

alternate energy such as solar and wind power?

there’s an island off of the coast of denmark. WHAT’S THE NAME OF THE ISLAND?? By 2008, this island will show the world how to successfully replace oil and power grids with clean, renewable energy — making OPEC’s 0 million… Continue Reading

Alternate Energy 3, solar power off grid economic collapse

In this short video series we will explore the basics of setting up an alternate energy system. What each component does, how it functions and it’s place in an off grid system. Designed specifically for the homesteader or survivalist, this… Continue Reading

Solar Power 101 – how does sunlight turn into electricity

Please sign the Declaration of Endependence at . Short and concise explanation of solar photovoltaic systems. How do they work? Do I need batteries? Produced by the on-line local action network, Show us how you are saving energy.… Continue Reading

Why don't we spend more money on wind or solar power?

Conservative estimates of the spending on the war in iraq total over 500 billion dollars. This would be enough money to supply energy to 60 million homes if spent on solar or wind energy sources. Or, the money could have… Continue Reading

Solar Energy MST on TV English Voice

MST addresses the needs of the Global Clean Energy Market by introducing advanced technology to convert solar energy into electricity at an affordable price, one the worlds most efficient Solar Energy technologies. Concentrated PhotoVoltaics produce more energy using less space… Continue Reading