Green Millennium Photocatalyst Solar Clean Technology Nano Photocatalyst Coating Technology: The principle of photocatalytic reaction was to accelerate the nature’s cleaning and purifying process using light as energy. Discovered in 1960’s, Dr. Fujishima of Japan found titanium metal, after irradiated by light, could break water molecule into oxygen and hydrogen gas. By restructuring titanium dioxide particles in nano-scale, a number of new physical and chemical properties were discovered. One of these newfound effects was photocatalytic oxidation which accelerated the formation of hydroxyl radical, one of the strongest oxidizing agents created by nature. Using energy found in the UV light, photocatalyst titanium dioxide could breakdown numerous organic substances such as oil grime and hydrocarbons from car exhaust and industrial smog, volatile organic compounds found in various building materials and furniture, organic growth such as fungus and mildew. In addition to its photocatalytic oxidation effect, titanium dioxide coating also exhibited hydrophilic property (or high water-affinity) which titanium dioxide coating attracted water moist in the air to form an invisible film of water. This thin film of water allowed the substrate to be anti-static so the coated surface could be easily cleaned by rinse of water. For years, titanium dioxide was used in many commodity products such as paint, cosmetics, sun blocks, and etc. It is a safe and stable substance commonly found in our lives. Numerous


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