How does Obama propose to totally eliminate our dependency on foreign oil in 10 years time?

If the Pelosi Gang won’t even allow any mention of drilling for our own oil? Doesn’t this present a serious quandary for our country to face? Is Obama claiming that fuel-cell, electric, and solar-powered vehicle technology will be totally matured… Continue Reading

Which technology was MOST likely developed for the Mars Exploration Rover?

Multiple choice. (a) the ability to send wireless communications (b) the ability to collect organisms and return them to Earth (c) the ability to respond to topographical conditions independently (d) the ability to take high resolution photographs of objects in… Continue Reading

A simple plan for dealing with Iran that will most likely never be considered by those in power?

So now we have Iran which refuses to curtail it’s uranium enrichment activities because it claims to need to pursue nuclear energy for it’s people. Israel is nervous and threatening to attack Iran. Iran, in turn is threatening to attack… Continue Reading

How would we colonize our Solar System in the next 50 years? What Sciences would be involved?

How would we design Ships with current technology, and what would realistic space ships designed with current Technology look like? (The space shuttle is 1970s) What major technology advances would be required? How would we go about mining cruithne? Colonizing… Continue Reading

What would be the result of a solar storm as strong as the one in 1859?

Since we didn’t have much for electricity or battery-powered handheld devices and vehicles back then, it’s scary to think how another strong solar storm could affect our modern technology. Reading up on the solar storm of 1859, I’m reading this:… Continue Reading

Can someone please explain how earthquake survivors in Haiti will benefit from solar-powered bibles?

Earthquake survivors get solar-powered bibles AS international aid agencies rush food, water and medicine to Haiti’s earthquake victims, a US faith-based group is sending Bibles to Haitians in their hour of need. Not just any Bible. These are solar-powered… Continue Reading