A question for atheists (this is kind of long)?

Just to start off I am a theist, but I am not necessarily Christian. Anyway, isn’t it safe to say that many modern atheists are atheists because they don’t believe in the Abrihamic Gods, yet you could believe in ghosts,… Continue Reading

Question about the environment???

Now if your wondering why I am asking this in the religious section, it’s because I have noticed that the more Christian people are in America, the more they hate the environment. Environmentalists believe that all the chemicals we are… Continue Reading

A question for all intelligent people?

I am not a theist, I follow modern satanism (basically atheism) with some deeper philosophical and psychological beliefs than the traditional atheist. One of the few problems I have with atheism is… How did life manage to come around out… Continue Reading

Question about home solar panel systems?

Online stores selling solar photo-voltaic generation kits gives specs indicating the power generation capability of the system. For example, Solar World Grid-Tie Solar Electric System with 245W Panels & PV Powered PVP2000 Inverter, 1.2 to 2.4 kW. This seems to… Continue Reading

A couple question about different types of alternative energy?

I am looking into different sources of alternative energy. I am trying to figure out which ones are viable and which ones are not and the pros and cons. Can you tell me the pros and cons of these following… Continue Reading

Can one person really make a difference?

Hi if anyone was is a solar expert of some sort, can you please help me and answer my interview questions? Its for a project and I need to interview someone with some sort of general knowledge of Solar power… Continue Reading